Friday, December 28, 2012

Week 16 - Weigh In

It has been quite awhile since I have checked in.  I will be doing some back posting, as I wast to chronicle this journey properly.  But I have found in the past that if I start with the back posting, it takes forever to get caught up and I tend to stop posting altogether. 

So without further ado ...

Today's official weight:
Weight: 240
BMI: 39.3
Down 46 pounds! since the day of surgery

Friday, November 2, 2012

Protein Shakes ... Oh how you frustrate me

I am 8 weeks Post-op now ... (I can't believe I am 8 weeks post-op!) and am struggling with the issue of protein shakes/supplements.  I have tried over a dozen different protein supplements and they are either all too sweet or if they are not too sweet, then they make me have an ooky stomach.

Ooky stomach is a technical term by the way. 

Many doctors don't want you to be on a protein supplement for long, so this is not necessarily a BAD thing.  however, I feel that a good protein shake just makes life a little easier.  It gives me a good source of quick protein when I am on the go, and when I DO have protein shakes, its much easier to get the full amount in. 

I will admit that I have some ulterior motives as well.  While doing my extensive researching into life after RNY surgery, I came across an amazing blog, The World According To Eggface, that has some amazing recipes.  Among the recipes are ones for protein ice cream and protein bites that I am DYING to make; but without a decent protein supplement that I can tolerate, I can't. 

I haven't given up.  I am going to keep trying, but I have decided to not let it consume my life anymore.  I am eating enough "regular food", that I am doing ok with protein without the supplement.  Not great, but ok.  So I will continue and one of these days I will find something ... I hope!

Rules for my new pouch

The very basics rules ...

1) At least 64 oz fluids, 60g protein per day.

2) Drink fluids up to 30 mins before meals, stop, do not resume until 30 mins have passed after the meal.

3) I can take up to 20-30 mins to eat.  Do not linger for longer than that, though, as that will end up with overeating. 

4) In most cases, 3 meals per day plus 2-3 protein based snacks in between, or, 4-6 small meals per day.

5) Protein first, veggies next, carbs if and only if I have some room left.

6) The three bite rule for *treats*. (1) The first bite is to get a good taste. (2) The second bite is to verify that it is as good as you thought it would be. (3) The third bite is the last bite, so savor it.

It might not be a bad idea to tattoo this somewhere ... 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Week 8 - Weigh in

First, I have to admit that walking has not happened.  I can give a lot of excuses for why, but they are all excuses.  That is going to stop now.  No more excuses, just doing the work.

Second, I also have to admit that I was a little bummed getting on the scale today.  HOWEVER, I believe that ...
1. have not walked. 
2. we went out to my favorite restaurant of all times and while I did great, the meal probably has more salt than normal and has always affected my weight slightly before.  I think that perhaps after several days of normal meals and good water intake I might be happier.
3. I am doing good on protein, but not so good on water.  The past few days I haven't made 60 ounces, its only been about 33 ounces.

So Goal one for next week
1. Walk 2 times during the week
2. 66 ounces of water - each and every day.
3. minimum of 60 grams or protein per day
4. 15 minutes of me time - focus only on me.

Today's official weight:
Weight: 256.4
BMI: 42.0
Down 30 pounds! since the day of surgery

Saturday, October 27, 2012

10 common mistakes patients make after WLS -

Whilst weight loss surgery (WLS) is acknowledged to be the most successful treatment for morbid obesity, it is just the first step toward a fresh start. Weight regain is a common phenomenon, as is illness when weight loss surgery patients do not follow recommended guidelines.

1st Mistake: Assuming You Have Been Cured of Your Obesity

A "pink cloud" or honeymoon experience is common following WLS. When you are feeling better than you have in years, and the weight is coming off easily, it's hard to imagine you will ever struggle again, but unfortunately it is very common for WLS patients to not lose to their goal weight or to regain some of their weight back. A small weight regain may be normal, but huge gains usually can be avoided with support, education, effort, and careful attention to living a healthy post-WLS lifestyle. If you think you are starting to fail ASK US FOR HELP - though, in the end whatever support you get, it is only you who can deal with it
For most WLS post-oppers, if you don't change what you've always done, you're going to keep getting what you've always got -- even after weight loss surgery!

2nd Mistake: Not Taking Vitamins, Supplements, or Minerals

Every WLS patient has specific nutritional needs depending on the type of surgery you have had. It is important to ask your surgeon/bariatric team/provider for guidelines, and to obtain appropriate nutritional advice. Understand there is not a standard practice that all surgeons and nutritionists follow in guiding WLS patients, so it is important to do your own research, get your blood tests done regularly, and learn how to read the results. Some conditions and symptoms that can occur when you are deficient in vitamins, supplements, or minerals include: Osteoporosis, hair loss; pernicious anaemia; muscle spasms; high blood pressure; fatigue; loss of appetite; weakness; constipation and diarrhoea; numbness and tingling in the hands and feet; being tired, lethargic or dizzy; forgetfulness, and lowered immune functioning. Keep in mind, too, that some conditions caused by not taking your vitamins, supplements, or minerals are irreversible. For example, a vitamin B-1 deficiency can result in permanent neurological deficits, including the loss of the ability to walk.

3rd Mistake: Drinking with Meals

Yes, it's hard for some people to avoid drinking with meals, but the tool of not drinking with meals is a key to long-term success. If you drink while you eat, your food washes out of your stomach much more quickly, you can eat more, you get hungry sooner, and you are at more risk of snacking. Being too hungry is much more likely to lead to poor food choices and/or overeating.

4th Mistake: Not Eating Right

Of course everyone should eat properly, but in this society eating right is a challenge. You have to make it as easy on yourself as possible. Eat all your meals -don't skip. Don't keep unhealthy food in sight where it will call to you all the time. Try to feed yourself at regular intervals so that you aren't as tempted to make a poor choice. And consider having a couple of absolutes: for example, avoid fried foods completely, avoid sugary foods, always use low-fat options, or only eat in a restaurant once a week. Choose your "absolutes" based on your trigger foods and your self -knowledge about what foods and/or situations are problematic for you.

5th Mistake: Not Drinking Enough Water

Most WLS patients are at risk of dehydration. Drinking a minimum of 3 pints of water per day will help you avoid this risk. Adequate water intake will also help you flush out your system as you lose weight and avoid kidney stones. Drinking enough water helps with your weight loss, too. Tea,  coffee, and soft drinks may be more pleasant, but they just aren’t as good.

6th Mistake: Grazing

Many people who have had WLS regret that they ever started grazing, which is nibbling small amounts here and there over the course of the day. It's one thing to eat the three to five small meals you are told you need. It's something else altogether when you start to graze, eating any number of unplanned snacks. Grazing can easily make your weight creep up. Far more patients fail after their WLS by grazing than fail from lack of portion-size control! Eating enough at meal times and eating planned snacks when necessary will help you resist grazing. Make a plan for what you will do when you crave food, but are not truly hungry. For example, take up a hobby to keep your hands busy or call on someone in your support group for encouragement.

7th Mistake: Not Exercising Regularly

Exercise is one of the best weapons a WLS patient has to fight weight regain, and it gets easier and more enjoyable as you lose the weight. Not only does exercise boost your spirits, it is a great way to keep your metabolism running fast and helps to burn fat. When you exercise, you build muscle. The more muscle you have, the more calories your body will burn, even at rest!

8th Mistake: Eating the Wrong Carbs (or Eating Too Much Carbs)

Let's face it; refined carbohydrates (white bread, pasta, white rice, cakes, sugars, etc. etc.) are addictive. If you eat refined carbohydrates they will make you crave more refined carbohydrates. There are plenty of complex carbohydrates to choose from which have beneficial vitamins. Focus on PROTEIN and try using your complex carbohydrates as "condiments," rather than as the centre point of your meal. Try sprinkling a tablespoon of brown rice on your stir-fried meat and veggies, for example, not the other way round.

9th Mistake: Going Back to Fizzy Drinks
There is some evidence that fizzy drinks stretch your stomach or pouch after surgery. What we know for a fact it does is it keep you from getting the hydration your body requires after WLS - because when you're drinking them, you're not drinking water! Most fizzy drinks contain lots of useless carbs (sugar). What’s worse, so called “diet” soft drinks have been connected to weight gain in the general population. The best thing you can do is find other, healthier drinks to fall in love with. They are out there.

10th Mistake: Drinking Alcohol
If you drank alcohol before surgery, you are likely to want to resume drinking alcohol following surgery. Most surgeons recommend waiting one year after surgery. And it is in your best interest to understand the consequences of drinking alcohol before you do it. Alcohol is connected with weight regain, because alcohol has 7 calories per gram, while protein and vegetables have 4 calories per gram. Also, some people develop an addiction to alcohol after WLS, so be very cautious. Depending on your type of WLS, you may get drunker, quicker after surgery, which can cause health problems and put you in dangerous situations. If you think you have a drinking problem, get help right away. Putting off stopping drinking doesn't make it any easier, and could make you a lot sicker

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Week 7 - Weigh in

I am 7 weeks post op and feeling fantastic.  I have been on "regular food" for two week and have had absolutely no issues *knocks on wood* with anything that I have tried.  My incisions have completely healed and I have no referred pain, no gas, etc.  I am doing very well and am very happy.

I have been blessed with an amazingly good post-surgery experience.

The next real step is to get off my ass and get a regular exercise program going.  I have made a lot of excuses, the number one being that I really want to swim and can't do that with my labrum tear.  Well, that is getting fixed on the 27th of November, so eventually I WILL be able to swim.  But I can't let that be a reason to not move.  That is an excuse and excuses are not allowed anymore.

So ... walking needs to happen.  And will happen two times before next check in.  (Starting off small here!) 

Today's official weight:
Weight: 258.2
BMI: 42.3
Down 28.2 pounds! since the day of surgery

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Week 6 - Weigh in

I am 6 weeks out today! 

Things are finally starting to get back to normal.  I have been home since the 15th and am now starting to get back to normal with eating and trying to get protein, water and vitamins on a regular schedule.

I would say to anyone else, while you can travel within three weeks of having bypass surgery, I would not recommend it.  There is to much changing, too much that you need to deal with, too much uncertainty to be traveling so soon after.  It can be done, but I am much happier to be home and in charge of my own food.

Today's official weight:
Weight: 263
BMI: 43.1
Down 23.4 pounds! since the day of surgery

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Three Week - Post op check in

Today was my three week post-op check up ... one day early. 

The appointment went really well.  We were both pleased that the referred pain in my shoulder blade was gone and that I am feeling so well.  We were both a little disappointed in the weigh in results.  We both wanted to see more weight off since the last weigh-in.  BUT, she said that I was retaining a lot of water, so that should come off shortly. 

I am now released to soft foods!  I can't tell you how happy that makes me.  About as happy as moving to pureed foods after being on fluids, LOL.  While I loved refried beans and cheese two weeks ago, and truly thought it was the bomb, I can do without seeing it for awhile!  Soft foods ... fish, pulled pork, potato!  Num!

Today's official weight:
Weight: 273
BMI: 44.7
Down 13.4 pounds! since the day of surgery

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Beans and Cheese How I love thee ...

... let me count the ways!

In amazing small bites.

Dear Valar I don't think anything has tasted any better!  And thankfully I had absolutely no issues with it. i actually fixed it and ate one bite and waited 20 minutes before going back and finishing.  I wanted to make absolute 100% positive that I would have no issues.

So for anyone who might be looking for options on Pureed Foods here is what I did.

 I took a can of Rosarita No fat refried beans

and put 1/4 cup in to my mini blender, add a dab of water and blended.  Now maybe I didn't need to do that, but I really really really wanted to make sure that it was "pureed". 

Added a pinch (I know really scientific) of Extra Sharp Tillamook cheese and microwaved for 30 or 40 seconds.  Then stirred.

I realize all that sounds ridiculous and duh ... but trust me when you are new into the pureed part of life, you are desperate for not just ideas, but specific instructions.  You DO NOT want to screw this part up.

It was amazing.

One week - Post op

I had my one week post-op check up today.  I got gold stars on my water, walking and the protein I have done so far.  I am surprised because I thought I needed more water, but hey!  I will take the gold stars!

I am officially approved to drive again and approved to move on to pureed foods.

I can't tell you how excited I am to be moving on to pureed foods.  Water is great and Jello nummee and popsicles - the bomb (please note the sarcasm).  But after a week I am flipping tired of all of it and ready to move on to something with a bit more substance.  I can't wait!

And for the official weigh-in ...

Today's official weight:
Weight: 278.4
BMI: 45.6
Down 8 pounds! since the day of surgery.

The roller coaster has started!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day 6 - Post op

I walked for 10 minutes today!  It was a fairly decent brisk walk.


I have been so exhausted since that I obviously over did it.  I need to do 5 minutes and then go back and do 5 minutes more at a later time.

I guess not only is it baby steps at a time, but its learning lessons each day.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What newbies need to know before/after surgery

This was posted on a Gastric Bypass Surgery support forum and was so amazingly helpful and wonderful that I wanted to post it here for me to look back on and remember. I also printed out for my dear sweet wonderful Dwarf Ranger to read and be able to understand what will be happening in just two short days...  

1.       Do your own research! You are responsible for your own health!  Ask questions and do lots of research!
2.       Be clear about why you want this surgery.  If you are having the surgery to weigh a certain number on the scale, wear a certain pant size, to make your spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend happy, or to fit in or to stand out, then realize now that none of these have anything to do with the reality or success of this surgery.
3.       Do this for you and for your health.  This isn’t the easy way out.  WLS will fail you if you fail to live the WLS life.  Be diligent, be mindful, be aware, and be present with the journey. 
4.       This program is for life.  It is a wonderful tool for health.  It is only a tool.  You still have to do all the work.  There is no finish line.  Just day after day choices.
5.       This is NOT a diet.  This is healthy eating for THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!  If you think of this or treat this as another diet you are setting yourself up for failure.  This is a new way of life, for the REST of your life.  Keep that in mind and you WILL succeed!
6.       If you are looking for happiness and fulfillment from everyone around you, you won't find it.  No one can MAKE you happy. Happiness comes from within!
7.       In the end, you are your own best support person. Don’t expect everyone to understand or be supportive.  Tell only those who are supportive or tell everyone. 
8.       This procedure doesn't fix you or your life, just your guts. You are responsible for working on your emotional and mental issues along the way.  There WILL be emotional and mental challenges.  If you haven’t already started doing the mental and emotional work, START NOW!
9.       Some people, NOT ALL, experience buyers remorse if you are not mentally or emotionally prepared.   Just because you've had your guts rearranged does NOT mean you don't still have A LOT of work to do emotionally. The successful people ALL do their emotional work.  Positive people have a much easier time on this journey than the whiners, complainers and poor me's.  This is your chance to change your life for the better!
10.   You have the choice of how you want your roller coaster journey to be. Kicking and screaming, or screaming with joy!
11.   Your life and your relationships WILL change.  You are developing a new relationship with food, yourself, and life.
12.   Having a goal or prize or image will help keep you focused and moving forward.
13.   You WILL have pain and it will take time to feel like yourself again.  The pain WILL go away.  You will heal.  Focus on protein and water.  Protein melts fat, and water flushes it.  Some days you will have energy, and some days you won’t.   Rest when you need to.
14.   You WILL have temporary post op weight gain as your body processes the fluids and inflammation from surgery.
15.   Your whole belly MAY turn purple from blood thinners after the surgery.
16.   If you have a problem, CALL your doctor! Don't mess around!
17.   You may or may not have temporary moments of insanity. They will pass faster if you just let them go and not fight them.
18.   The more you walk the less gas you will have. Sip while you walk. That way you will get more water in. The more water you sip the faster the drugs will flush through your system and the better you will feel. 
19.   Don't drink 30-45 minutes before or after meals.  Drinking before makes you too full to get the food you need.  Drinking during or too soon after flushes the food.  Drinking in between helps keep you feeling satisfied. 
20.   Eat one food at a time to find out which foods give you gas. DONT EAT THOSE FOODS!  You won't be able to get much food down at first, or many calories, so don't worry about that. Always eat protein first.
21.   It's not how much food, but what food. PROTEIN!  You may not be able to handle meat protein for several months. Shelly has great protein recipes of all kinds, heavenly protein smoothies, and even protein ice cream. Check out The World According to Eggface.
22.   Taste, texture, and smell preferences change after surgery
23.   Fiber + water = no constipation.  Diarrhea is common immediately post op until your body stabilizes.  Keeping your water up helps prevent dehydration.   As your bowels stabilize your still need to keep your water up to lubricate and stay regular.  Many people need a regular fiber supplement. You SHOULD be daily regular.  If not, get your fiber and water intake up. Smooth Moves Tea works wonders! 
24.   Your stomach does NOT get hungry at 1 week out. The hunger is all in your head. At one week, your stomach is still inflamed, swollen and healing and needs very little coming into it.  Hunger, at least the first month, and often for many months, is head and emotional hunger. You are used to turning to food and are going through mental withdrawal. 

Gurgling noises are normal functioning noises. The glands that line your stomach go into action every three to four hours whether you eat anything or not. SMELLING FOOD, SEEING IMAGES OF IT OR EVEN JUST THINKING OF can start the release of gastric juices. The movement of your stomach walls and the juices being excreted creates growling and gurgling noises.

So when you are obsessively thinking about or drooling over something that sounds good you are actually activating the hunger signals.  Hence it being called head hunger!  
25.   Hormones, periods and therefore emotions can be affected for a while post op but will stabilize in time. 
26.   Your weight WILL fluctuate up and down from day to day plus/minus 1-3 pounds.
27.   Don’t be a slave to numbers.   If you obsessively weigh you WILL make yourself crazy!  DON'T!  Obsessive weighing = insanity. 
28.   Everyone sheds at a different pace. Comparing only makes you needlessly crazy.
29.   You WILL have LOTS of plateaus/pauses!  Get used to it!  The first plateau usually happens around 3-4 weeks. Protein first thing in the morning!!!   Water, protein, adequate sleep, less stress, addressing emotional number memories, and exercise will help them to pass. The weight will shed whether you drive yourself crazy along the way or not. 
30.   As you backtrack through time, weighty memories surface, usually during plateaus. Working through them helps to move through the plateaus, and the whole journey, faster.  When you hit a pause, look at what was going on in your life when you were at this weight before. You are releasing more than fat.  You are releasing years of weighty emotions, memories and pain that you have stuffed or eaten: worry, anger, resentment, grief, sadness, guilt, fear, drama, victimhood, self- punishment, fears of the future, what if’s, old patterns, old beliefs, and attitudes that no longer serve you, etc., etc. 
31.   Questions to ask yourself during plateaus:  What am I afraid to let go of?  What am I hanging on to?  What was going on in my life when I weighed ___, that I don’t want to address or look at?  What old attitudes, beliefs, or thought patterns am I resisting releasing?  What is it about succeeding with this that scares me?  What emotions do I want to “stuff” my face with? 
32.   If you eat too much or too fast you WILL get sick. Chew your food to mush. One bite at a time.  One food at a time. Eat with presence so that you can pay attention to your pouches signals.
33.   Listen for the subtle cues of your new pouch. If you listen, your pouch will treat you well. If you don't, you will regret it.  Pouch signals range from runny nose, stuffy nose, gurgling, subtle fluttering, sneezing, hiccups, etc.  Learn your pouch signals.  
34.   Measure everything until you know what 1/4 or 1/2 cup looks like.
35.   Track everything!   Great Iphone apps are, Target Weight, Water Tracker and Food Scanner.  Or use a document chart. 
36.   Protein, vitamins and water are important for the rest of your life!  Get your protein first. It helps with wound healing, muscle mass, and hair loss. Water keeps you hydrated. Vitamins provide the nutrition to help keep you healthy. Get blood tests regularly.
37.   You WILL lose hair between months 3-7.  If you have thick hair you are lucky.  If you have thin hair you may need to cut it short, wear a hat, a scarf, or just don’t concern yourself with it.  Biotin, Nioxin hair products, and protein help but it still comes out.  Shampooing less often, refraining from coloring, perms, and heating appliances helps as well.  Your hair will grow back.
38.   You will have body aches and pains along the way as your body posture adjusts to not having to carry such a load all of time. There are a myriad of ways to help with aches and pains.
39.   You are going to have loose skin, bat wings, saggy belly, legs, arms, breasts.  That’s a fact. Many people who never cared how they looked being fat, all of a sudden care when they are flat out skinny.   Either accept the loose skin or start saving!
40.   Relax!  The harder you hang on, the longer it will take to meet your goal.   Instead of refusing to "not" meet your goal, try affirming that you WILL reach your goal.
41.   You WILL have A LOT of non-scale victories.
42.   The people who focus on daily non-scale victories have an easier time on this journey.
43.   You WILL be happier, healthier and have a more fulfilling life than you could have ever imagined!
44.   Enjoy the ride of your life!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Scheduling change ...

So Friday I went for my final office visit before surgery, my surgeon had a small twist to throw into the works.  To tell it appropriately, I need to back up and state that this is a "new" surgeon to the office.  He has been doing surgeries for years at a hospital about 40 miles north of us, and when my hospital needed a new surgeon, he was picked.  At the old hospital, he liked to use a robot when he did the surgeries, as he feels that it makes it safer and more efficient and just a better surgical experience for everyone. 

So ... when he was hired on by my hospital, he asked the hospital to buy him a robot to use in the surgeries.  They have done exactly that, but it wont be available till Septemeber 1st. 

So here is where the twist comes in ... I can have surgery on the 28th, or I could wait till the following week and have the robot, that would add some layers of safety to the surgery.  Since we would only have to wait a week, we have decided to move back the date.

So new date ... September 6th!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

There and Back Again - 8/16/12

It has been awhile since I have updated The Walk on the Road There and Back Again.  I have been remiss on keeping this up to date.  Rather than going back and trying to update it, lets just move on from here...

3 Miles in my walk today!

I am getting a walk in once a week, but its not good enough.  I HAVE to get it in every day by the time surgery happens.  MUST.DO.BETTER.

108/967 Journey to Lonely Mountain
50 miles Wandering in the Old Forest
108/1934 There and Back Again

The Road Goes Ever On and On ...

Thursday, July 5, 2012


It took longer than expected, because of the holiday, but I now have a date!

August 28!

Oh Valar!  54 days to go!

Monday, June 25, 2012


That's right!  Surgery has been approved by my insurance company!!!!

I don't have a date yet, hopefully by the end of the week, but I am approved and at the final stage!


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

90 day Challenge Complete!

90 days!

Challenge is over!  So here are my numbers ...

*drum roll*

Weight -13.2 lbs!

Inches:  -13!


As I said at the 30 day mark, it was less than I had originally hoped compared to what so many others were able to accomplish.  But, lets face it, you don't know what their situation is compared to your own, and every body is different.  I think it is pretty well documented that my body does not react like any other body.  So expecting 20 pounds or more, was probably a bit too much.  

The great thing, though, is that I did lose.  And 13.2 pounds in 90 days is very respectable.  Further more, it helped me get down further in the 10% that I was supposed to get for surgery.  And THAT is what really matters. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

The Dr. had me tested and ...

I am not crazy!

At least not enough to keep me from having my surgery!!  Woohoo!!!!  

So I have completed all the steps.  I had my 6 months of dr. monitored nutrition/diet thingy.  I have had my physician evaluation, got my EGD, and then was psycho-examed.  Now I just have to get authorization from the insurance company and I will be able to get my date!

The pre-stages of the journey is almost over!  Then the real journey begins!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Am I Crazy???

well ... in a week and a half I will know for sure whether I am sane or need a set of padded rooms to be installed in the house.

What am I talking about, you ask? 

Well apart of the pre-surgery hoops you have to jump through for both the insurance company and the weight loss clinic is a complete and thorough psychological exam to make sure you are sane enough to have the surgery.  I am sure there is a reason behind it that makes sense in the beurocratic office that makes up these rules, but it really just seems like one more hoop.  I mean, really ... who goes into these visits and says something crazy that keeps them from getting ok'd for the surgery?

My visit lasted for 3 hours.  The first part was a 45 minute interview where the psycho doctor asked if I was stable and normal, did my parents love me, did they love each other, were they still married, did I do drugs, alcohol, or well anything, was I down, was I depressed, did I love life, what were my goals, what did I do, what did I not do, yadda yadda yadda.  Then after he had suffeciently found out about my youth, teens, tweens, and whatever else he wanted to know, I got to go take the 650 question test.

*rolls eyes*

The test took 2 plus hours to get through and honestly was quite ridiculous.  It was long, it was icky, but it was really easy to figure out what I SHOULD answer to make sure I passed.

So I don't know that it was really all that scientific, but if I pass I can echo Sheldon's words and say:

"I'm not crazy, the doctor had me tested!"

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Half Way!

It only took me a year and 3 months to do it, but I realized today I am half way to the goal set by the Surgery clinic!  I just have 15 more pounds to lose and the next portion of the journey can continue!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

30 day check in!

30 days!

I am on day 30 of the 90 day challenge and my results so far are …

I can’t actually say, as unfortunately I am at the coast. 

Ok really being at the coast is a good thing, not an unfortunate thing at all.  But what that does mean is that I am unable to take official 30 day measurements.   Awww sad face!

But I can give you an update as of the 28th day!

Weight -5 lbs!

Inches:  -12!


While I will have to admit that I really wanted to see a bigger weight loss after my first 30 days, I am really quite pleased with my results.  I know that everyone is different and that those that are on the challenge who have had a much higher pound loss in the first 30 days, either ate like crap before they started the challenge, drank a ton of soda, and/or have completely different metabolism than my own.   

It is well known from my history of years and years of weight loss battles, that my body doesn’t behave “normally”.  It has its own schedule and processes stuff very differently than everyone else, and has a metabolism of a slug.  So for me, a 5 pound loss and 12 inches gone is really quite excellent!

It does mean that I have to dial back my expectations for the 90 day challenge.  I am not going to be one of those that lose 50 pounds in 90 days.  It’s just not going to happen and I have to face that reality.  And lets face it, that kind of a result is fairly a-typical anyhow.  But while I didn't necessarily expect a 50 pound loss, I did want and kind of expect to lose 20 pounds during the challenge.  And that maybe a bit of a stretch at this point.  While 15, 10 even 5 pounds lost is really quite good at this point, it is obvious that I need to tone down the expectations now, so I don’t get disappointed and then torpedo myself towards the end.  After all, I am my own worst enemy.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

There and Back Again - 4/19/2012

Today I got smart! the new treadmill has an input for things like iPhones or iPods and previously, I have been listening to music. While that is nice, I my mind still wanders and I get bored after 20 - 25 minutes. So today, I thought HEY! If I can plug in a iPod, I bet I can plug in an iPad and watch a movie too! So that is exactly what I did. I watch a portion of Fellowship of the Ring, and man oh man did it make a difference. I think this will really help me break the "I don't want to exercise" Blah that is always a fight to deal with AND help me go longer.

It just so happens that I was in Moria and at the Bridge of Khazad Dum, and lets face it, you can't take it easy with that kind of music and action going. I walked very fast and was tired and winded quickly. I think normally, I will be doing a slower and longer pace, but today is a quick and hard burn.

1.25 Miles!

87.5/967 Journey to Lonely Mountain
50 miles Wandering in the Old Forest
87.5/1934 There and Back Again

The Road Goes Ever On and On ...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

There and Back Again - 4/4/2012

On the trail again using my treadmill!

1.25 Miles!

86.25/967 Journey to Lonely Mountain
50 miles Wandering in the Old Forest
86.25/1934 There and Back Again

The Road Goes Ever On and On ...

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Week 1!

I so love love love the Body by Vi Challenge.  It is AWESOME!

So here is the deal.  The Body by Vi is a shake mix that you can add to just about anything, and I do mean anything.  You can add fruit; such as pretty much any kind of berries, bananas, mangoes, and/or apples.  You can make it Vanilla, Cookies in Cream, Lemon cheese cake (though why you would want to do that, I have no earthly idea) or ... wait for it ... CHOCOLATE!

As originally reported, I have been making chocolate shakes, with one little foray into the Berry world (but I liked the chocolate so much that  I quickly went back!).  I have switched from 2% to Non-Fat to Almond milk and have found that I LOVE Almond milk and especially LOVE that its only 35 calories for 8 ounces, as opposed to 90 for Non Fat!

I have also switched from using unsweetened cocoa to pudding, as the pudding helps thicken it and make it more "shakey" without adding a lot of calories.  Every once in awhile I add in peanut butter too!  It obviously ups the calories and the fat grams a bit, but makes for an awesome awesome taste and since it is more of a meal replacement a few more calories is ok, as long as I account for them somewhere else.

So here is my Day on Vi.

Morning Shake
Snack - Since I have a coffee addiction, my snack is usually my mocha.
Lunch Shake
Snack - Small salad or String cheese or Hard boiled eggs depending on what I feel like
Small Late night type of munchy depending on the calories I have had that day.

You don't necessarily have to count calories on the 90 day challenge and in fact most don't.  But since my body is quite temperamental and I want to do this right (and I am anal-retentive) I am counting and journaling everything.

So where am I after just 1 week?

Weight -1.2 lbs!

Inches:  -5!

Not bad, not bad at all!  The pounds could come off a bit faster, but look at those inches!  5 inches in just a week!  HOLY COW!  That is just awesome!  And while I want the pounds to come off for the surgery, its the inches that honestly matter the most!

I can handle this!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Day 1!

So today is day 1 of the 90 day Challenge!

I am excited, I am nervous, I am anxious, and did I mention that I am excited?!?  

My mentor on the challenge is so excited about the stuff and has been talking it up for several days that I can barely stand waiting a second more.  But before I do, I have to get down to the real nuts and bolts and get my weight and measurements down ... for posterity?  Definitely not for posterity, cause the Valar know that know one really wants to know how much I weigh or how big I am.  And I certainly don't want a record if it.

But without a record, without a starting point of the journey, one cannot look back upon the road to see how far they have come, right?

Right!  So here it goes!
Last official weigh-in in June of 2011 (How sad is that!)

Weight: 306.6 
BMI: 51.0 

Today's weigh-in *Drum Roll*
Weight: 305
BMI: 50.7

*sigh*  It's less, I will give myself that much.  At least in the 9 months since my last weigh in, I haven't ballooned up past where I was when I started the Phoenix journey last year.  And I have even lost another 1.6 pounds!  So Achievement unlocked!  But really, I should be so much further along than I am, and its just really sad that I let myself get so derailed.

But as Gandalf says to Frodo in the Mines of Moria, "All we have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to us."  I can waste time flogging myself for my inaction over the past year, or I can move on.  And today, I am moving on!

So now to the shake.  

Today I am going to try a chocolate shake, because lets face it ... I LOVE chocolate.

Basic Chocolate Shake Recipe 
2 scoops of Vi Shake Mix
2 Tbsp Unsweetened Chocolate Baking Powder 
8 ounces of Milk*
and Blend

* 2% Milk is what I have on hand right now.  From what I have read and researched you can use any milk, but Almond or Soy milk are better choices due to the lower calorie and lower sugar content.  2% is never a good choice for dieting/healthy eating , but that is what my Dear Ranger drinks, so that is what I have.

Dear Valar it is awesome!!  It is chocolate, it is sweet and it tastes great!  The only problem is that it was over too quickly and I want more.  I LOVE IT!  

That is a really good sign.  The one thing with the Reset program I tried last year was I couldn't stand the taste of the shakes, the bars, well ... any of it, so being on it, while I had decent results, was awful.  I couldn't wait for it to be over, I choked down the shakes, and I was grumpy and in a poor mood the entire time.  

THIS, this I believe will be very different.  We will have to see if I still enjoy it 30, 60, 90 days from now.  But right now, it is AWESOME! 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

90 Day Body by Vi Challenge

Tomorrow I am starting the 90 day Vi Challenge.   I have to admit, my decision to try it and start it was pure gut, spur of the moment type stuff.  But in the past seven years, I have come to rely on that gut feeling and trust it more and more.  So I am going with it and seeing where it takes me.

A good friend and co-teacher of my father’s has been doing the 90 Day Body by Vi Challenge for about 29 days and has lost 10 lbs and 10 inches, while at the same time reducing her blood pressure and gaining energy.  Now I am not stupid.  I know there are no quick fix, no magic pill, and nothing that will magically take everything off in just a matter of weeks or months.  It is a complete life change and while I like to think that I have always been making good decisions, the reality is that I like chocolate a little too much, my portion sizes have grown a bit in the past three years, I like chocolate oh and I like chocolate.    While my body is not normal, doesn’t process things normally and has the metabolism of a turtle; lasting weight loss be it from eating and exercise or from surgery is only going to happen with life style changes.

That being said, I like what I see in this challenge.  I like the makeup of the shake mix.  I like the nutrients that it has and the versatility in the 100 different recipes that are out there.  And I like the comments and feedback that I have seen.   From everything I have heard I am going to have to be on a protein shake/supplement after I have surgery, so I might as well start now as I work to get that 10% off right?

So to begin with, I ordered the basic shape kit, as I don’t want to get too financially invested if I am not happy with the shake taste or the results.  It arrived today and I am quite stoked to begin.  Unfortunately, though it’s been on the UPS truck since 5 am, it wasn’t delivered till 4:48 pm, so I should really just wait till tomorrow to start.

Really, I should.

But I really want to try it now!  No, I will be good and wait till tomorrow and start the challenge off right!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

I think I am lost! Where is that trail exactly? - There and Back Again

It has been since November that I have made any kind of posting about where I am on the trail. At that time I was at mile 72.5. I am ,supposed to be walking Bilbo's path in the Hobbit, but methinks I got a bit confused and followed four wandering Hobbits into the Old Forest instead! It just so happens that mile 73 is Crickhollow! And while Bilbo and the Dwarves bypassed the Old Forest and went the quicker way around, I think I got lost wandering around the Old Forest and talking with Tom Bombadil.

According to the mileage that I have tracked, that means I would have just left Tom Bombadill and am wandering somewhere around the Old Forest, lost! I know that there are miles that I didn't track during the past five months, so I am just going to figure that Tom helped this Wandering Elf to the edge of the Forest, where I was able to find Bilbo's path again and have now made it to Bree. So for The Journey to the Lonely Mountain and Back Again, that puts me at mile marker 85.

Now that I am back on track, I will be hopefully on my way to Rivendell, with no more side adventures. Though in Middle Earth you never know what might cross your road and take you off the path!

Updated There and Back Again mileage!

85/967 Journey to Lonely Mountain
50 miles Wandering in the Old Forest
85/1934 There and Back Again

The Road Goes Ever On and On ...

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Rebirth ... Again ...

Obviously it has been far too long since I have checked in.  I could give all sorts of excuses about how hectic things are with my mother, with personal issues, and with work; but the reality is that stuff is always happening in life that makes things hectic.  I just didn’t choose to make writing a priority. 

That time is in the past.

I have periodically checked in with mileage updates and such, but nothing more than that.  Honestly it was probably because I didn’t want to put into words that I had stopped doing just about anything with regards to becoming healthier.  I had let the events of last April side track me.  I let myself slip down that very slippery slope of self-pity and stopped working out, stopped eating right, stopped tracking, stopped just about anything.  I always said, “I can have this because my dad died”, or “because I feel sorry for this” or “because my nail broke” or whatever excuse I could come up with at the time.  And each time, I would say that I would “start a new tomorrow.” 

I haven’t lost ground, but I advanced much either during that year of sabotage and self-pity.   That is to say that I am basically the same weight as a year ago,  give or take a pound or two.  Which is good in some respect, I guess.  Because with everything going on, it is honestly amazing that I didn’t gain another 30 – 50 pounds in emotional eating. 

But really, it’s just sad that an entire year was wasted.  And it took flying on another airplane, being stuffed into a Barbie seat, and having to spend four days with my sister-in-law in Vegas, who is in control of her health and happy with her body, for me to snap out of it and realize that I am the only one that can facilitate the change. 

It is time.

I am not sure how many rebirths a Phoenix can have before they actually make it to full fledged adult hood, but apparently for me it is at least three. The nice thing about being a Phoenix, is I can always start again and remake myself if I stumble and fall.  

The Road Goes Ever On, just sometimes you stumble off the trail and get lost in the Old Forest for awhile.  Well, I have finally found my way back to the road and its time to start again!