Friday, November 2, 2012

Protein Shakes ... Oh how you frustrate me

I am 8 weeks Post-op now ... (I can't believe I am 8 weeks post-op!) and am struggling with the issue of protein shakes/supplements.  I have tried over a dozen different protein supplements and they are either all too sweet or if they are not too sweet, then they make me have an ooky stomach.

Ooky stomach is a technical term by the way. 

Many doctors don't want you to be on a protein supplement for long, so this is not necessarily a BAD thing.  however, I feel that a good protein shake just makes life a little easier.  It gives me a good source of quick protein when I am on the go, and when I DO have protein shakes, its much easier to get the full amount in. 

I will admit that I have some ulterior motives as well.  While doing my extensive researching into life after RNY surgery, I came across an amazing blog, The World According To Eggface, that has some amazing recipes.  Among the recipes are ones for protein ice cream and protein bites that I am DYING to make; but without a decent protein supplement that I can tolerate, I can't. 

I haven't given up.  I am going to keep trying, but I have decided to not let it consume my life anymore.  I am eating enough "regular food", that I am doing ok with protein without the supplement.  Not great, but ok.  So I will continue and one of these days I will find something ... I hope!

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