Thursday, April 19, 2012

There and Back Again - 4/19/2012

Today I got smart! the new treadmill has an input for things like iPhones or iPods and previously, I have been listening to music. While that is nice, I my mind still wanders and I get bored after 20 - 25 minutes. So today, I thought HEY! If I can plug in a iPod, I bet I can plug in an iPad and watch a movie too! So that is exactly what I did. I watch a portion of Fellowship of the Ring, and man oh man did it make a difference. I think this will really help me break the "I don't want to exercise" Blah that is always a fight to deal with AND help me go longer.

It just so happens that I was in Moria and at the Bridge of Khazad Dum, and lets face it, you can't take it easy with that kind of music and action going. I walked very fast and was tired and winded quickly. I think normally, I will be doing a slower and longer pace, but today is a quick and hard burn.

1.25 Miles!

87.5/967 Journey to Lonely Mountain
50 miles Wandering in the Old Forest
87.5/1934 There and Back Again

The Road Goes Ever On and On ...

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