Friday, November 2, 2012

Rules for my new pouch

The very basics rules ...

1) At least 64 oz fluids, 60g protein per day.

2) Drink fluids up to 30 mins before meals, stop, do not resume until 30 mins have passed after the meal.

3) I can take up to 20-30 mins to eat.  Do not linger for longer than that, though, as that will end up with overeating. 

4) In most cases, 3 meals per day plus 2-3 protein based snacks in between, or, 4-6 small meals per day.

5) Protein first, veggies next, carbs if and only if I have some room left.

6) The three bite rule for *treats*. (1) The first bite is to get a good taste. (2) The second bite is to verify that it is as good as you thought it would be. (3) The third bite is the last bite, so savor it.

It might not be a bad idea to tattoo this somewhere ... 

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