Thursday, October 25, 2012

Week 7 - Weigh in

I am 7 weeks post op and feeling fantastic.  I have been on "regular food" for two week and have had absolutely no issues *knocks on wood* with anything that I have tried.  My incisions have completely healed and I have no referred pain, no gas, etc.  I am doing very well and am very happy.

I have been blessed with an amazingly good post-surgery experience.

The next real step is to get off my ass and get a regular exercise program going.  I have made a lot of excuses, the number one being that I really want to swim and can't do that with my labrum tear.  Well, that is getting fixed on the 27th of November, so eventually I WILL be able to swim.  But I can't let that be a reason to not move.  That is an excuse and excuses are not allowed anymore.

So ... walking needs to happen.  And will happen two times before next check in.  (Starting off small here!) 

Today's official weight:
Weight: 258.2
BMI: 42.3
Down 28.2 pounds! since the day of surgery

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