Thursday, November 1, 2012

Week 8 - Weigh in

First, I have to admit that walking has not happened.  I can give a lot of excuses for why, but they are all excuses.  That is going to stop now.  No more excuses, just doing the work.

Second, I also have to admit that I was a little bummed getting on the scale today.  HOWEVER, I believe that ...
1. have not walked. 
2. we went out to my favorite restaurant of all times and while I did great, the meal probably has more salt than normal and has always affected my weight slightly before.  I think that perhaps after several days of normal meals and good water intake I might be happier.
3. I am doing good on protein, but not so good on water.  The past few days I haven't made 60 ounces, its only been about 33 ounces.

So Goal one for next week
1. Walk 2 times during the week
2. 66 ounces of water - each and every day.
3. minimum of 60 grams or protein per day
4. 15 minutes of me time - focus only on me.

Today's official weight:
Weight: 256.4
BMI: 42.0
Down 30 pounds! since the day of surgery

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