Wednesday, June 20, 2012

90 day Challenge Complete!

90 days!

Challenge is over!  So here are my numbers ...

*drum roll*

Weight -13.2 lbs!

Inches:  -13!


As I said at the 30 day mark, it was less than I had originally hoped compared to what so many others were able to accomplish.  But, lets face it, you don't know what their situation is compared to your own, and every body is different.  I think it is pretty well documented that my body does not react like any other body.  So expecting 20 pounds or more, was probably a bit too much.  

The great thing, though, is that I did lose.  And 13.2 pounds in 90 days is very respectable.  Further more, it helped me get down further in the 10% that I was supposed to get for surgery.  And THAT is what really matters. 

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