Thursday, March 29, 2012

Week 1!

I so love love love the Body by Vi Challenge.  It is AWESOME!

So here is the deal.  The Body by Vi is a shake mix that you can add to just about anything, and I do mean anything.  You can add fruit; such as pretty much any kind of berries, bananas, mangoes, and/or apples.  You can make it Vanilla, Cookies in Cream, Lemon cheese cake (though why you would want to do that, I have no earthly idea) or ... wait for it ... CHOCOLATE!

As originally reported, I have been making chocolate shakes, with one little foray into the Berry world (but I liked the chocolate so much that  I quickly went back!).  I have switched from 2% to Non-Fat to Almond milk and have found that I LOVE Almond milk and especially LOVE that its only 35 calories for 8 ounces, as opposed to 90 for Non Fat!

I have also switched from using unsweetened cocoa to pudding, as the pudding helps thicken it and make it more "shakey" without adding a lot of calories.  Every once in awhile I add in peanut butter too!  It obviously ups the calories and the fat grams a bit, but makes for an awesome awesome taste and since it is more of a meal replacement a few more calories is ok, as long as I account for them somewhere else.

So here is my Day on Vi.

Morning Shake
Snack - Since I have a coffee addiction, my snack is usually my mocha.
Lunch Shake
Snack - Small salad or String cheese or Hard boiled eggs depending on what I feel like
Small Late night type of munchy depending on the calories I have had that day.

You don't necessarily have to count calories on the 90 day challenge and in fact most don't.  But since my body is quite temperamental and I want to do this right (and I am anal-retentive) I am counting and journaling everything.

So where am I after just 1 week?

Weight -1.2 lbs!

Inches:  -5!

Not bad, not bad at all!  The pounds could come off a bit faster, but look at those inches!  5 inches in just a week!  HOLY COW!  That is just awesome!  And while I want the pounds to come off for the surgery, its the inches that honestly matter the most!

I can handle this!

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