Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Three Week - Post op check in

Today was my three week post-op check up ... one day early. 

The appointment went really well.  We were both pleased that the referred pain in my shoulder blade was gone and that I am feeling so well.  We were both a little disappointed in the weigh in results.  We both wanted to see more weight off since the last weigh-in.  BUT, she said that I was retaining a lot of water, so that should come off shortly. 

I am now released to soft foods!  I can't tell you how happy that makes me.  About as happy as moving to pureed foods after being on fluids, LOL.  While I loved refried beans and cheese two weeks ago, and truly thought it was the bomb, I can do without seeing it for awhile!  Soft foods ... fish, pulled pork, potato!  Num!

Today's official weight:
Weight: 273
BMI: 44.7
Down 13.4 pounds! since the day of surgery

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