Thursday, September 13, 2012

Beans and Cheese How I love thee ...

... let me count the ways!

In amazing small bites.

Dear Valar I don't think anything has tasted any better!  And thankfully I had absolutely no issues with it. i actually fixed it and ate one bite and waited 20 minutes before going back and finishing.  I wanted to make absolute 100% positive that I would have no issues.

So for anyone who might be looking for options on Pureed Foods here is what I did.

 I took a can of Rosarita No fat refried beans

and put 1/4 cup in to my mini blender, add a dab of water and blended.  Now maybe I didn't need to do that, but I really really really wanted to make sure that it was "pureed". 

Added a pinch (I know really scientific) of Extra Sharp Tillamook cheese and microwaved for 30 or 40 seconds.  Then stirred.

I realize all that sounds ridiculous and duh ... but trust me when you are new into the pureed part of life, you are desperate for not just ideas, but specific instructions.  You DO NOT want to screw this part up.

It was amazing.

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