Thursday, March 22, 2012

Day 1!

So today is day 1 of the 90 day Challenge!

I am excited, I am nervous, I am anxious, and did I mention that I am excited?!?  

My mentor on the challenge is so excited about the stuff and has been talking it up for several days that I can barely stand waiting a second more.  But before I do, I have to get down to the real nuts and bolts and get my weight and measurements down ... for posterity?  Definitely not for posterity, cause the Valar know that know one really wants to know how much I weigh or how big I am.  And I certainly don't want a record if it.

But without a record, without a starting point of the journey, one cannot look back upon the road to see how far they have come, right?

Right!  So here it goes!
Last official weigh-in in June of 2011 (How sad is that!)

Weight: 306.6 
BMI: 51.0 

Today's weigh-in *Drum Roll*
Weight: 305
BMI: 50.7

*sigh*  It's less, I will give myself that much.  At least in the 9 months since my last weigh in, I haven't ballooned up past where I was when I started the Phoenix journey last year.  And I have even lost another 1.6 pounds!  So Achievement unlocked!  But really, I should be so much further along than I am, and its just really sad that I let myself get so derailed.

But as Gandalf says to Frodo in the Mines of Moria, "All we have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to us."  I can waste time flogging myself for my inaction over the past year, or I can move on.  And today, I am moving on!

So now to the shake.  

Today I am going to try a chocolate shake, because lets face it ... I LOVE chocolate.

Basic Chocolate Shake Recipe 
2 scoops of Vi Shake Mix
2 Tbsp Unsweetened Chocolate Baking Powder 
8 ounces of Milk*
and Blend

* 2% Milk is what I have on hand right now.  From what I have read and researched you can use any milk, but Almond or Soy milk are better choices due to the lower calorie and lower sugar content.  2% is never a good choice for dieting/healthy eating , but that is what my Dear Ranger drinks, so that is what I have.

Dear Valar it is awesome!!  It is chocolate, it is sweet and it tastes great!  The only problem is that it was over too quickly and I want more.  I LOVE IT!  

That is a really good sign.  The one thing with the Reset program I tried last year was I couldn't stand the taste of the shakes, the bars, well ... any of it, so being on it, while I had decent results, was awful.  I couldn't wait for it to be over, I choked down the shakes, and I was grumpy and in a poor mood the entire time.  

THIS, this I believe will be very different.  We will have to see if I still enjoy it 30, 60, 90 days from now.  But right now, it is AWESOME! 

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