Saturday, April 21, 2012

30 day check in!

30 days!

I am on day 30 of the 90 day challenge and my results so far are …

I can’t actually say, as unfortunately I am at the coast. 

Ok really being at the coast is a good thing, not an unfortunate thing at all.  But what that does mean is that I am unable to take official 30 day measurements.   Awww sad face!

But I can give you an update as of the 28th day!

Weight -5 lbs!

Inches:  -12!


While I will have to admit that I really wanted to see a bigger weight loss after my first 30 days, I am really quite pleased with my results.  I know that everyone is different and that those that are on the challenge who have had a much higher pound loss in the first 30 days, either ate like crap before they started the challenge, drank a ton of soda, and/or have completely different metabolism than my own.   

It is well known from my history of years and years of weight loss battles, that my body doesn’t behave “normally”.  It has its own schedule and processes stuff very differently than everyone else, and has a metabolism of a slug.  So for me, a 5 pound loss and 12 inches gone is really quite excellent!

It does mean that I have to dial back my expectations for the 90 day challenge.  I am not going to be one of those that lose 50 pounds in 90 days.  It’s just not going to happen and I have to face that reality.  And lets face it, that kind of a result is fairly a-typical anyhow.  But while I didn't necessarily expect a 50 pound loss, I did want and kind of expect to lose 20 pounds during the challenge.  And that maybe a bit of a stretch at this point.  While 15, 10 even 5 pounds lost is really quite good at this point, it is obvious that I need to tone down the expectations now, so I don’t get disappointed and then torpedo myself towards the end.  After all, I am my own worst enemy.

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