Thursday, September 13, 2012

One week - Post op

I had my one week post-op check up today.  I got gold stars on my water, walking and the protein I have done so far.  I am surprised because I thought I needed more water, but hey!  I will take the gold stars!

I am officially approved to drive again and approved to move on to pureed foods.

I can't tell you how excited I am to be moving on to pureed foods.  Water is great and Jello nummee and popsicles - the bomb (please note the sarcasm).  But after a week I am flipping tired of all of it and ready to move on to something with a bit more substance.  I can't wait!

And for the official weigh-in ...

Today's official weight:
Weight: 278.4
BMI: 45.6
Down 8 pounds! since the day of surgery.

The roller coaster has started!

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