Thursday, February 14, 2013

Week 23 - Weigh In

Wow that last week went by fast.  I did a little bit better on a few things, but still not pulling in 100% or even 90% on any of the main basic issues that I need to be compliant on.   I could psycho-analize myself to death on this, but if I were to be 100% honest, I am just being lazy.  There is no excuse.

I have reminders on my phone, twice.  I have the vitamins set out.  I have the water ready to go.  I am talking about it here.  There is NO reason that this should be an issue.  Period. 

I have decided that I will no longer let this be an issue.  I will no longer struggle with these 4 things.  They WILL be apart of my daily routine, just like getting dressed and having coffee are.  That is just the way it will be from now on.


Today's official weight:
Weight: 228
BMI: 37.4

Total Loss  87.4 pounds!

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