Thursday, February 7, 2013

Week 22 - Weigh In

How did I do last week.  Well I failed on the checking in more.  I pulled up the post to post twice, but found that I didn't know what to say.  But I did have stuff to say, I just didn't know how to put it into words that made sense in a format that was not in my head.

Did that make sense?

Anyway, checking in ...

I was only 50% compliant about my vitamins.  This should be a real concern, but to be honest, so far it isn't.  The fact that I was 50% compliant is a step up from where I was, but it really isn't good enough.  And this is not horseshoes or hand granades here.  This is serious shit, since I can't absorb all the vitamins in minerals in food.  I HAVE to be 100% compliant in this area, or there could be major health issues.  So why am I having an issue with this?

I think if I were to sit down on my counselor couch and think through it, its because 1. I haven't had a major health scare as a result of not having the right vitamins and minerals, so its hard to really get in my thick skull how important it is and 2. I am in the midst of rebelling against pretty much anything I HAVE to do.

Well that's a bit toddlerish, me thinks.  Its time to pull my big girl panties up and just do the work and be compliant.

Water - nope.  about 40 ounces on a good day.

Protein - I didn't track food every day, oops that was #4, but I did 50% of the time and I was over 80 grams each day.  This is probably the only thing I am doing decently at.

And yeah ... tracking food.  50% of the time I got this one.  But!  That is better than 0.  And for this one, I will take it as a win.

So what did that mean for the week?

Today's official weight:
Weight: 230
BMI: 37.7

Total Loss  85.4 pounds!

Not bad.  Slow and steady.  But again, I think it could be better.

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