Friday, November 2, 2012

Protein Shakes ... Oh how you frustrate me

I am 8 weeks Post-op now ... (I can't believe I am 8 weeks post-op!) and am struggling with the issue of protein shakes/supplements.  I have tried over a dozen different protein supplements and they are either all too sweet or if they are not too sweet, then they make me have an ooky stomach.

Ooky stomach is a technical term by the way. 

Many doctors don't want you to be on a protein supplement for long, so this is not necessarily a BAD thing.  however, I feel that a good protein shake just makes life a little easier.  It gives me a good source of quick protein when I am on the go, and when I DO have protein shakes, its much easier to get the full amount in. 

I will admit that I have some ulterior motives as well.  While doing my extensive researching into life after RNY surgery, I came across an amazing blog, The World According To Eggface, that has some amazing recipes.  Among the recipes are ones for protein ice cream and protein bites that I am DYING to make; but without a decent protein supplement that I can tolerate, I can't. 

I haven't given up.  I am going to keep trying, but I have decided to not let it consume my life anymore.  I am eating enough "regular food", that I am doing ok with protein without the supplement.  Not great, but ok.  So I will continue and one of these days I will find something ... I hope!

Rules for my new pouch

The very basics rules ...

1) At least 64 oz fluids, 60g protein per day.

2) Drink fluids up to 30 mins before meals, stop, do not resume until 30 mins have passed after the meal.

3) I can take up to 20-30 mins to eat.  Do not linger for longer than that, though, as that will end up with overeating. 

4) In most cases, 3 meals per day plus 2-3 protein based snacks in between, or, 4-6 small meals per day.

5) Protein first, veggies next, carbs if and only if I have some room left.

6) The three bite rule for *treats*. (1) The first bite is to get a good taste. (2) The second bite is to verify that it is as good as you thought it would be. (3) The third bite is the last bite, so savor it.

It might not be a bad idea to tattoo this somewhere ... 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Week 8 - Weigh in

First, I have to admit that walking has not happened.  I can give a lot of excuses for why, but they are all excuses.  That is going to stop now.  No more excuses, just doing the work.

Second, I also have to admit that I was a little bummed getting on the scale today.  HOWEVER, I believe that ...
1. have not walked. 
2. we went out to my favorite restaurant of all times and while I did great, the meal probably has more salt than normal and has always affected my weight slightly before.  I think that perhaps after several days of normal meals and good water intake I might be happier.
3. I am doing good on protein, but not so good on water.  The past few days I haven't made 60 ounces, its only been about 33 ounces.

So Goal one for next week
1. Walk 2 times during the week
2. 66 ounces of water - each and every day.
3. minimum of 60 grams or protein per day
4. 15 minutes of me time - focus only on me.

Today's official weight:
Weight: 256.4
BMI: 42.0
Down 30 pounds! since the day of surgery