Friday, February 25, 2011

Second Official Weigh-in

Today was the second official Weigh in for the 6 month doctor monitored weight loss. I am quite pleased with the progress if I do say so myself. If I could do this every month, not only will I easily loose the 10% for the surgery, but I would be a much happier person overall!

Weight: 310.4
BMI: 51.6

Not bad if I do say so myself!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

This just in (part 2 ) ...


And kicked my ass today. I can barely move.


It was a ton of fun. I haven't had that much fun working out in a long time, but wowzers! It was haaard.

Counting 2 miles for the hour class. When I don't have to stop so much, I will count 3.

19.35/967 Journey to Lonely Mountain
19.35/1934 There and Back Again

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

This just in ...

Cycling, no longer an exercise option.

Unfortunately, my hip pain SKYROCKETED after cycling at the Gym yesterday. So that tells me, that I need to limit the cycling and stick to walking. That seems to help my hip pain a lot.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

There and Back Again 2/15/2011

These updates on the miles are quick, but kind of boring. I suppose I should find some comical, fun, witty way to say "Hey I went to the Gym". I know that for some it may not be a big deal, but for me it is a huge deal and I want to give myself credit, so that I continue. So till I find a better way to update and give myself little check marks for going to the gym, boring updates is what you get.

Today I actually did two workouts. I went walking at the mall in the morning and then met Cathy at the Gym later in the day. Go me! We did 3 miles in our walk in the morning; and in the evening Cathy and I decided to try cycling instead of walking. So while we were only at it for 20 minutes, we got 4.5 miles in for a total of 7.5 miles for the day.

17.35/967 Journey to Lonely Mountain
17.35/1934 There and Back Again

Monday, February 14, 2011

There and Back Again 2/14/2011

I was able to do 40 minutes at the gym today and succeeded in doing 2 - 18 minute miles. Since that is what Cathy's daughter has to do to be able to pass gym, I thought it only fitting that I work towards that goal too. I pushed pretty hard to be able to manage it, and think I need to work up to it so that I am not then out of it for the rest of the day.

9.85/967 Journey to Lonely Mountain
9.85/1934 There and Back Again

Saturday, February 12, 2011

There and Back Again 2/12/2011

Quick Mileage post... 1 mile on the treadmill. Baby steps right?

8.75/967 Journey to Lonely Mountain
8.75/1934 There and Back Again

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Made it to the gym today!

My friend Cathy and I met at the gym today for our first big meet up after we joined. We tried the elliptical trainer, on Cathy's request, but I only lasted about 3 minutes before I had to bail and go to the treadmill. How in the hell do people do that for longer? That think is TORTURE! NEVER.AGAIN.

Managed a good 1.5 miles today. It is a lot more fun when I am with someone and can talk during the whole time. I need to build stamina, so I can talk and breathe and not feel like I am going to die, but definitely more fun!

7.75/967 Journey to Lonely Mountain
7.75/1934 There and Back Again

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

There and Back Again 2/8/11

Added 4 Miles today on the Journey to Lonely Mountain. Feel Good!

6.25/967 Journey to Lonely Mountain - Goal 12/2012
6.25/1934 There and Back Again - Goal 12/2013

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Road Goes Ever on and on ...

Since I joined a gym on Saturday, I had to make sure that I got good use of it. So here it is, two days later and I am back! Awesome streak! Twice in three days. I am pumped.!

So since I am back at the gym, I am also back on the Walk to Rivendell. The last time I was tracking my exercise miles, I had made it to Rivendell and then beyond, having traveled all the way to Mt. Doom and back to the Grey Havens, following in Frodo's footsteps the whole way. So now that I am back on the road, and it just so happens that the Hobbit is going to start filming this month, I feel it is time for me to travel not just to Rivendell again, but to the Lonely Mountain. Perhaps join Bilbo, Thorin and Gandalf in their adventures!

So in that vein, here is another 1.25 miles to add to the 1 mile on Saturday. Total miles to the Lonely Mountain - 967 miles; Round trip is 1934. Goal will be to get to the Lonely Mountain by the release of the Hobbit in December of 2012; and back again by the release of the second movie in December of 2013!

2.25/967 Journey to Lonely Mountain
2.25/1934 There and Back Again

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Joined LA Fitness

I joined LA Fitness today. I went to check it out with a friend and we both ended up joining. Is it the smartest financial decision in the world? Not really, as the smartest would be to get a good treadmill and just workout at home. It would eventually be cheaper than the gym. But, if this motivates then who the hell cares what is financially prudent?

So gym it is! Must get moving!

The Plan is to be at the gym three times a week, minimum. I can't swim right now because of my shoulder, so that takes that out. But I can walk and I can cycle. I don't care one wit about working out on the machines. I hate them and while I might build muscle, if I hate them, then I wont do them. So walk and cycle it will be. I am back on the road!

Starting today, 1 mile.