Thursday, August 15, 2013

Weigh In

So I haven't been great about journaling, but since I was told my labs sucked the big hairy one, I have been better about vitamins and protein.  Obviously my body is happy as it pulled me out of my latest stall and had a decent loss this week.

One would think I would know better by now ... one would be wrong.

So ... weigh in, check in!

Today's official weight:
Weight: 208.4
BMI: 34.1

Total Loss  107 pounds!

I a now officially in the first category of obese!  While not something most people would celebrate, I am celebrating since I was in the third category when I started.   So ... YAYAY!!  I am only obese!!  Woohooo!!!!

Goal for this week - same as before ... freaking journal!

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