Thursday, January 31, 2013

Week 21 - Weigh In

Today's official weight:
Weight: 231.2
BMI: 37.9

Total Loss  84.2 pounds!

I am now a class 2 Obese person instead of a class 3 - super obese!  I know that sounds weird to celebrate, but since I started off the charts at a BMI of over 50, its something!

I am moving along slowly.  I will admit that while I was happy with another two pound loss this week, that when I logged on to one of my online support forums today, I got upset about my slower loss compared to other posters.  I know very well that I shouldn't be comparing myself to others.  I have preached to others who have complained about this very thing that this is our own journey, no one else's, and we shouldn't compare ourselves to what others are doing.  But, even though I have said and meant this before, I have fallen into the same trap.

In talking with my wonderful love, who is the most amazing cheering and support section there ever was, he agreed that I am doing well and need to not stress about the weight loss.  We knew that this was going to be slow, I don't have a normal metabolism and weight loss is a slow painful process for me.  After all, this is why I had the surgery, right?


BUT he also pointed out that I haven't been as good on my vitamins or water.  If I am worried or concerned about how things are going, I need to refocus my energies on following the plan. 

So back to basics ...
Vitamins daily
Water - this week lets work on 60 ounces daily
Protein - 80 grams per day.
Track food and water intake with my fitness pal app.

And to insure compliance, checking in twice per week

Here is to a great week!

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