Saturday, August 6, 2011

There and Back Again 8/6/11

Stop the presses! I made it to the Gym two days in one week! AND today was at 9 am on a Saturday! I think I need to be committed.

Tink and I had plans to do aquarbics, but she couldn't find her swimsuit, (class ended up being canceled anyway) so we did the treadmill for 30 minutes and covered 1.2 miles. I followed that up with a trip to Costco where I did .75 miles, for a total of 1.95 miles.

45/967 Journey to Lonely Mountain
45/1934 There and Back Again

The Road Goes Ever On and On ...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

There and Back Again 8/2/11


Ok so it was nearly 3 weeks ago that I said that it was time for me to get back to it on a regular basis. But I did have an incredibly good excuse in that I was very very very sick.

Being sick for three weeks did point out to me the necessity of taking care of myself. I haven't been doing that properly, since all of the family and emotional stuff happened. So, per my agreement with myself, I have gone back to the gym. It hurt. I was upset because it felt like I was leaving Dad behind. But he wouldn't want me to stop everything because of him. So I continued into the Gym and met my friend "Tink".

Tink and I did the treadmill for about 30 minutes and covered about 1.4 miles. Much slower than I would care for, but ... at least it was something and really the best speed for now. So ...

43.05/967 Journey to Lonely Mountain
43.05/1934 There and Back Again

On the Road Again ... And the Road Goes Ever On and On ...