Sunday, June 12, 2011


I am starting the Usana "Restart" program tomorrow. The idea behind it is that it resets your cravings for chocolate and carbohydrate with a five day intensive program. I have to say that I am intrigued, but worried at the same time. While I really like the idea of resetting my body, I have already started doing what most people do when they start a restrictive diet. I had several "last hoorahs" in the last few days to make up for it. So I have probably gained a few pounds in "prepping" for my restart. Thus the restart wont actually gain me anything.

But the pounds don't matter. What matters is that I get restarted; that the phoenix goes through another rebirth. I have been on hold for the last two months and its time that I begin again. It is time to be reborn.

So tomorrow I RESTART.

What is restart? Well its basically an expensive version of Slimfast, as far as I can tell. You replace meals with calorie controlled and nutritionally packed shakes and bars, as well as vitamin packs. In the morning, I have a shake and a pack of vitamins. Mid morning, I have a snack of either a Peanut Butter Crunch Nutrition Bar or an Oatmeal Raisin Nutrition Bar. Then lunch is another shake, with another nutritional bar as a snack. And finally a shake for dinner. I also get to have a serving of fruit, as well as a serving of vegetables.

I am armed with most of what I need, though as I am reading through the information, I realized that I did not take enough shakes with me. I am at my mother's house this evening, through tomorrow afternoon/evening, but I should be ok with a slight modification of the plan. I will have the PM shake as a desert of sorts and my evening meal will be a good amount of vegetables.

I believe to do this right, I am not supposed to put anything on the vegetables and the list of what is acceptable is pretty small for both the vegetables and the fruit. But to be honest, if I am going to be successful, then I will have to widen the list of vegetables a bit, and have a small bit of flavor.

The plan does allow for an additional serving of vegetables of fruit if I "get light headed", but I think I will add it in anyhow so that I don't get so hungry that I end up falling into a vat of chocolate. So my program is going to have a small amount of veggies during lunch with the shake, as well as a good size amount with dinner. The fruit will then be my desert.

So on the docket for tomorrow, a trip to the veggie stand right after my walk with Munchkin'

Here is to success!

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