Thursday, March 24, 2011

March official Weigh-in

Today was the official weigh-in for March. I didn't do quite as smashingly as last time, but wonderfully none-the-less.

Weight: 307.0
BMI: 51.1

In two months I have a total loss of 7.4 pounds. That is freaking fantastic! Especially with the stress going on in my life right now. I am more than happy with my progress.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

There and Back Again 3/15/11

3.15 Miles on the Road today. I have really slowed down. I haven't been to the gym in a week. That needs to change and needs to change now!

31/967 Journey to Lonely Mountain
31/1934 There and Back Again

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

There and Back Again 3/8/11

It was a slower walk today. I think I was out of oomph and strolled more than I actually walked, but at least I did it! 3.5 miles managed.

27.85/967 Journey to Lonely Mountain
27.85/1934 There and Back Again

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Oh holy HELL! That last Zumba class had NOTHING on this Zumba class!

This one wasn't fun and was harder than hell. So hard that Cathy and I left after 30 minutes because we just couldn't take it anymore. I am very very very glad that that wasn't my first Zumba class because I probably would never have taken another one, had that been my first.

1 measly little mile.

24.35/967 Journey to Lonely Mountain
24.35/1934 There and Back Again

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

There and Back Again 3/1/11

Quick Mileage check in ...

4 miles during weekly walk.

23.35/967 Journey to Lonely Mountain
23.35/1934 There and Back Again